Digital NIH



Technology has become an inseparable component in NIH’s role in making important discoveries that improve health and save lives.


The Digital NIH Vision 

Digital NIH represents a new approach for technology decision-making at NIH and a cohesive framework to guide how NIH prioritizes, selects, and delivers high-priority and high-value capabilities over the next five years. Most importantly, it a new way of working together to ensure that NIH has the capabilities necessary to advance discoveries in the years ahead.  


Digital NIH: Innovation, Technology, and Computation for the future is centered around five functional areas that comprise distinct groups of NIH staff with unique technology needs to optimize their work activities in science and research management:


Extramural Research Management

Internal functions to administer, steward, and maintain accountability for NIH’s funded research. 


Administration & Management

Functions within NIH that include, but are not limited to, acquisitions, budget and financial management, human resource and workforce management, property inventory, facility management, information technology, risk management, and travel.  



Intramural Basic & Clinical Research

Efforts in the Intramural Research Program focused on understanding the fundamental biology and molecular mechanisms that characterize life and observational studies and clinical trials involving human subjects.



Foundational resources needed to support all five NIH functional areas and Institutes, Centers, and Offices such as a common architecture, computational infrastructure, a technically advance workforce, a workplace of the future, and cybersecurity. 

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